Thursday, 24 July 2014

Some words on mounting.

As I said yesterday, today is mounting day. What has surprised me a bit is that I actually enjoy this about as much as finding and getting the props. It is something with the whole creative and productive process that appeals to me. also, I feel that by doing this I make the prop more personal and mine.

As I got my hands on three props yesterday, the Saw II syringe and the jewels and call sheet from The Hobbit - The desolation of Smaug, these are the ones that I will be mounting today. I am still waiting on my display case for the Inglorious Basterds ankle bomb dynamite, so that one unfortunately still has to remain unmounted.

The jewels were the first ones to get done. I had initially worried a bit about these, as I didn't quite know how to do them proper justice. I felt that just putting them in a frame would be boring and not really to their advantage. A friend of mine suggested I put them in a lapidary case (like these for example), which I still think is a good suggestion, but in this case I just didn't fall totally in love with it.
It was when I was just doing some window shopping and mulling it over when I saw some dragon sculptures, and it hit me. Samug being a dragon, why not "give them back" to him and let him continue to look after them for me? I went into a shop I knew sold these sculptures and they had just the one I wanted.
No sooner said than done, the gems got mounted at the dragons feet and Samug is now guarding his jewels for me :) :
They do show better in real life. The props are the three gems at the lower right hand side of the sculpture, next to his tale.

The next project now is the syringe. I'll put up a separate post when it is done with pictures of the process as well. Till then :)

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